Thursday, December 22, 2011

God’s Time For Man in print


The five –chapter glossy book, God’s Time For Man, with the image of a man who is reflecting events in his – both good and bad times, no doubts, is a good read.

Published by Dynamic ERA Global Service, Lagos and authored by Pastor Henry Adeyemo, the book views time as the most essential commodity on earth. Everything responds to or is changed by it. The book looks at the race of life, and how human beings, are governed by time.

In all the pages, the author takes both philosophical and biblical journey. And in the book’s philosophical excursus, it concludes that each man has equal amount of hours freely given by providence. A few end up glad to have achieved something worthwhile within the time frame while others regrettably look on for wasting their portion of time.

The author, as a pastor, recalls the story of God and Abraham, and how, Abraham waited for 24 years for him to fulfill God’s purpose in his life. Though nothing around Abraham suggested that the promise was still valid considering the passage of time, soon, the Patriarch was to know that time cannot render God’s promises invalid.

In the third chapter, while dealing with the How To Provoke The Time Of Visitation, the author gives brief details of achievers who critically took advantage of time and made a remarkable change in this world, dating back from 1863 to 1947. Mary Bellis and Henry Ford were among the subjects of discourse.

While looking back into the past, the author did not fail to proffer solution to the problem of time and how well human beings are able to utilise it to meet their needs.

The author, also using Sarah’s barrenness, explains that natural laws are reversed or totally suspended when God comes visiting. “That is why we should not worry about anything at all. In human language, we say certain things are getting out of hands when we lose control of them but nothing really gets out of the hands of God. Whatever is getting out of your hands should be allowed to get unto the hand of God.”

“That God temporarily leaves a problem does not mean He is not going to solve it. He had been visiting Abraham yet Sarah’s barrenness remained. This was because there is time appointed for God to return and specifically address the problem.”

The author advised that crying over lost opportunities that won’t be brought back is not the solution, rather people should seek God’s face for a fresh visit from above. God chooses when to visit you with a miracle according to the time of life; you can, however, accelerate it by the culture of praising Him.

According to the author, “Faith will keep your eyes on the invisible; patience will keep your feet at the right pace and praise will keep your spirit in the right state for the time of His visitation. I pray you wont miss your time of visitation, in the might name of Jesus”.

Though there are some grammatical errors in the book arising from little attention to details, it is a good read for those that feel their present situation need a change, those who no longer have hope and also for those that want to think how to better their future on the platform of time.

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